I can't think of anything I've really invented that I can't point to something that inspired it just to explain the invention.
2. When was the last time you GMed?
Sunday Pathfinder
3. When was the last time you played?
Two weeks ago saturday Star Wars Saga
4. Give us a one-sentence pitch for an adventure you haven't run but would like to.
Call of Skullthulhu Island
5. What do you do while you wait for players to do things?
Grin, roll dice.
6. What, if anything, do you eat while you play?
Pizza, snacky cakes.
7. Do you find GMing physically exhausting?
8. What was the last interesting (to you, anyway) thing you remember a PC you were running doing?
Collecting Monsters to sell to an arena for fights.
9. Do your players take your serious setting and make it unserious? Vice versa? Neither?
I think its been pretty setting specific with attitudes so far.
10. What do you do with goblins?
Make em mean and nasty with a touch of silly.
11. What was the last non-RPG thing you saw that you converted into game material (background, setting, trap, etc.)?
Peter Pan having his shadow sewn on into a magic item slot.
12. What's the funniest table moment you can remember right now?
Player of mine recently got his skin ripped off, he only had to not roll a one.
13. What was the last game book you looked at--aside from things you referenced in a game--why were you looking at it?
Neoclassical Geek Revival playing on trying to run something on G+
14. Who's your idea of the perfect RPG illustrator?
For me everything looks like Frazetta, or like when you get a book of concept art for something and they have tons of those sketches with watercolor added to them.
15. Does your game ever make your players genuinely afraid?
Atleast once it did. He wanted to go home.
16. What was the best time you ever had running an adventure you didn't write? (If ever)
Probably Mask of Nyarlahotep.
17. What would be the ideal physical set up to run a game in?
Someplace comfortable.
18. If you had to think of the two most disparate games or game products that you like what would they be?
Seems like everything I like is similar.
19. If you had to think of the most disparate influences overall on your game, what would they be?
I want to say Lovecraft but it seems like so many things I also read or use as influences are likewise influences... even cartoons.
20. As a GM, what kind of player do you want at your table?
One that wants to live in the game world, not just react to things.
21. What's a real life experience you've translated into game terms?
My grandmothers farm... it's was a Cthluhu story waiting to happen. Ask me about it sometime.
22. Is there an RPG product that you wish existed but doesn't?
It feels like it's right there waiting for me to mention it, but when I define it, it's not something I would waste a wish on. :P
23. Is there anyone you know who you talk about RPGs with who doesn't play? How do those conversations go?
I guess he played in highschool, mostly he either can't because he is working. Or when he is free doesn't because his girlfriend mocks it.